Thursday, January 20, 2011

United Airlines launches Three Perfect Days contest -- win a free vacation!

united airlines contestGood with a video camera and a Final Cut Pro? United Airlines might have the perfect opportunity for you to win your dream vacation.

Yesterday they launched a new promotion on Facebook soliciting video entries for their "Three Perfect Days" contest. All that you have to do to enter is make a short video explaining what you would do with three perfect days of vacation and post it to their site. The submission that gets the most "likes" wins two free round trip tickets, a digital camera and a $2,500 Visa debit card (you could use it to pay off the taxes!) at its complete disposal. You've got until March 1st to come up with the most "likeable" video on the web.

Having sumbitted a few entries and reviewed a few more ourselves at Gadling Labs, permit us to give you a tip before inking the celluloid: people who vote in these contests dig two things:
  1. The best cinematogrphy ever known to man
  2. Hotties
Aim to have one of the two concepts in your entry and you're guaranteed a shot. Have both and you'll take home the gold.

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